Saccate:- Pouch-shaped. irregularly obovoid and hollow
Sagittate:- Arrowhead-shaped, triangular at the base with two acute lobes pointing downwards,
Salverform:- With a slender tube and an abruptly widening limb
Saprophyte:- A plant without chlorophyll which lives on humus (leaf-mould) - often growing in the darker areas of woodland where there is little competition.
Saprophytic:- Obtaining all nutrition from decaying matter
Scale:- Or squama is a small, thin, usually dry, often appressed plant structure, such as any of the protective leaves that cover a bud or the bract that subtends a flower.
Scape:- A leafless stem bearing flowers.
Scabrid:- Somewhat scabrous.
Scabridulous:- Slightly rough
With the surface rough to the touch, due to minute projections.
Scapose:- With a scape, bearing a scape; said of herbs that have a basal rosette and an inflorescence rising from the centre of the rosette on a leafless stalk
Scarious:- Thin and dry,
paper-like, membranous  not green. Edges thin and dry,thin, dry, paper-like
Schizocarp:- Fruit splitting into its carpellary constituents or one-seeded portions  i.e. mericarps
Scorpioid:- A coiled cyme, as in the inflorescences of many mem­bers of the Boraginaceae.
Scutate:- (of scales) Shield-shaped, round and slightly bulging.
Scutelliform:- Shaped like an oval dish
Directed towards one side.
Segment:- Each of the parts into which something is or may be divided.
Semi-amplexicaul:- Stem clasping, but to a less degree than amplexicaul.
Semilunar Semilunate:- Crescent-shaped
Semi-parasitic:- Only partially dependent on a host plant, but un- . able to survive without it.
Sepal:-  A member of the outer perianth whorl in most flowers. The sepals collectively make up the calyx.
Sepaloid:- Resembling a sepal
Sericeous:- Silky.
Septicidal:- When a ripe capsule splits along the lines of junction of the carpels, i.e. along the septa, the fruit valves remaining attached and not falling off.
Serrate:- With a saw-toothed margin.  margins saw-toothed
Serrulate:- Minutely serrate. with a minute saw-tooth margin
Not stalked.
Setaceous:- Having or consisting of bristles; bristly, resembling bristles or a bristle.
Seta (pl.setae):- A bristle or stiff hair.
Setiform:- Bristle-shaped.
Setose:- Beset with bristles, bristly.
Setose-Hispid. With stiff bristly hairs
Setulose:- Beset with minute bristles
Sheath:- The lower part of a leaf surrounding the stem - as in grasses.
Silicula:- A pod-like fruit that is not more than twice as long as broad, being sometimes broader than long.
Siliqua:- A slender fruit pod that is many times longer than broad.
Simple:- Not compound - unbranched.
Sinus:-  he gap between two lobes.
Sinuate:- Margin uneven with rather deep rounded wavy undulations
Sinuate-dentate:- Margin toothed and uneven with rather deep rounded wavy undulations
Sinuate- pinnatifid:- Divided into lobes which extend from about a quarter to half-way towards the midrib margins uneven with rather deep rounded wavy undulations
Sorus:- (plural Sori). A group of sporangia found in ferns.
Spadix:- A fleshy club-like spike bearing minute flowers, usually enclosed within a sheath-like spathe, characteristic of aroid plants
A large bract-like organ that envelops or partly envelops an inflorescence - as in arums.
Spatulate:- Paddle-shaped, shaped like a small paddle, oblong with an extended basal part.
Speculum:- A shiny, shield-like patch, as on the lips of many or­chids.
Spicate:- Spike-like, unbranched, the flowers (seemingly) borne directly on the axis
Spike:- A simple elongated inflorescence in which the individual flowers are unstalked.
Spikelet:- A unit of a grass flower comprising usually two outer bracts (glumes) and one or more flowers each borne between a lemma and a palea.
Spine:- A stiff, sharply pointed structure, often a modified shoot or stem.
Spinescent:- 1) Having a spine or spines. 2) Terminating in a spine.
Spinose:- Spiny
Spinose-dentate:- Spiny to toothed
Spinose-denticulate:- Spiny to finely toothed or notched.
Spinose-serrate:- Spiny with a saw-toothed margins
Spinulose:- Bearing small spines.
Spinulose - Apiculate:- Ending in an abrupt, small spines.
Sporangium:- A tiny structure containing spores.
Spores:- Minute and often unicellular body; asexual.
Spur:- A hollow cylindrical or pouched structure projecting from the calyx or corolla and generally containing nectar.
Squarrose:- Rough, with tips of scales/bracts projecting outwards, In trees and shrubs with the branches at right angles to the stem.
Staminal:- Relating to stamens
Staminode:- An infertile, often modified, stamen.
Standard:- The upper petal in a pea flower.
Stellate:- Shaped like a star - star-shaped, often refers to hairs.
Stellate-pubescent:- Star-shaped soft hairs
Stellate-lanate:- Long dense curly interwoven star-shaped, matted woolly hairs
Covered with short, dense, star-shaped, matted hairs.
Stigma:- The receptive tip of a style to which pollen grains adhere.
Stipe:- Supportive structure that may be stem-like
Stipitate:- Supported on or having a stipe    supported on a stem-like structure
Stipule:- A leaf-like or scale-like structure located where the leaf meets the stem
Stolon:- A creeping stem, below or along the ground; often produced from the base of stems.
Stoloniferous:- 1) bearing stolons; 2) with runners or propagative shoots rooting at the tip to produce new plants.
Stramineous:- Straw-like, straw-coloured, very pale dull yellow
Strigose:- Strigulose:- With sharp stiff hairs lying ± parallel to and close to the surface. (The meaning of this term has varied over time. To Linnaeus, it meant the same as hispid; De Candolle regarded it to mean hair-like scales; but since lindley (1832) the definition as given here is common) with sharp stiff flat lying hairs
Striate:- With parallel longitudinal grooves.
Style:- The stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary.
A disk-shaped or conical swelling or expansion at the base of the style in plants of the family Umbelliferae
Sub:- Nearly or not quite, less than, e.g. subacute - not quite acute.
Almost flat.
Subcordate:- More or less heart-shaped.
Subcoriaceous:- Almost leathery or tough.
Subcorymbose:- Not quite corymbose.
Slightly indented, having few denticulations
Almost curved and tapering to a point; sickle-shaped.
Subglabrous:- Almost without hairs.
Subglobose:- (depressed-globose, oblate) Almost globular, but flattened at the ends of the axis.
Suborbicular:- Almost circular.
Subsessile:- Almost devoid of a stalk. almost stalkless
Subspecies:- A subdivision of a species, generally separated from the typical plant by several characters, but also separated geographically or ecologically.
Subtending:- Immediately adjacent to; to have another organ in its axil.
Subterete:- Smooth and usually cylindrical and tapering
Awl-shaped, tapering from the base to the apex, like a stout needle tapering to a fine point.
Sucker:- A shoot arising from the roots.
Suffruticose:- Woody in the lower part of the stem
Sulcate:- Grooved or furrowed
Superior:- Refers to flowers in which the ovary is in the centre and above the other flower parts (i.e. with sepals, petals and stamens attached to the receptacle below the ovary).
Switch plant:- A plant of dry places with long, thin stems, which at first bear a few leaves but subsequently, being green, take over the process of photosynthesis.
Sympetalous;- Having the petals united.
Sympodial:- With the main stem or axis ceasing to elongate but growth being continued by the lateral branches
Syncarpous:- (of a flower) With united carpels.